Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The future is like a phoenix
Unyielding, burning its way through time and space
Its wings outstretched to all corners of the globe
You can't help but jump on
And enjoy this celebration of life

Our hearts and minds always yearn for the past
But the future awaits us all
Infinite and unpredictable
Remember these days
For they will shape us all

Takes us to the highest peaks
The most distant stars
Makes it all within our grasp

Fret not about the journeys that lie ahead
Keep your eyes to the azure skies
And tumultuous winds and rainstorms cannot last
All these clouds shall dissipate

Be like the phoenix 
Brave the fires
Traverse this vast universe of vast possibilities 
Embrace change like the rising sun

Takes us to the highest peaks
The most distant stars
Makes it all within our grasp

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